Below are replicated versions of the booklets from Brompton and Catterick. I am of course indebted to the original authors and publishers.
1980s Brompton History Group Booklets
Just click on the picture to access the document. Use the forum to discuss anything that may be of interest to you.
Catterick Village Clarion
The Clarion was a newsletter distributed to a number of villages in the area. These are reproduced from originals kindly loaned by Mrs Doreen Dunford.
A photographic reproduction from an original kindly loaned by Mrs Doreen Dunford.
A photographic reproduction from an original kindly loaned by Mrs Doreen Dunford.
A photographic reproduction from an original kindly loaned by Mrs Doreen Dunford.
Catterick Village Local History Group
"Footprints" was a newsletter produced by the Catterick Village History Group. These are reproduced from originals kindly loaned by Mrs Doreen Dunford.
Catterick Footprints 200?
A photographic reproduction from an original kindly loaned by Mrs Doreen Dunford.
Catterick Footprints 2003 (?)
A photographic reproduction from an original kindly loaned by Mrs Doreen Dunford.
Catterick Footprints 2005 (?)
A photographic reproduction from an original kindly loaned by Mrs Doreen Dunford.
Richmond West Deanery Magazine
A local monthly church magazine with interesting local advertisements, parish church activities and stories and articles.
A photographic reproduction from an original provided by Mr G Hodgson of Brompton-on-Swale.
A photographic reproduction from an original provided by Mr G Hodgson of Brompton-on-Swale.
A photographic reproduction from an original provided by Mr G Hodgson of Brompton-on-Swale.