Here is the text of the article.
A match at cricket, between eleven of the Scorton club and the same number of Brompton-on-Swale club, took place on the 14th inst., at Scorton. for £ 0 aside, which terminated in favour of the former at one innings, with 33 runs to spare. The following is a statement of the game -
SCORTON - First Innings.
Jennings, caught by Terry ........... 0
Peacock, body before wicket ..... 4
Vittv, bowled by Simpson ............ 0
Robson, bowled by Simpson ...... 1
Gibson, bowled by Simpson ....... 24
Brownless, ct. by Simpson .......... 20
Roger, stumped by Simpson ....... 11
Flower, bowled by Simpson ......... 0
Bell, bowled by Carter .................... 0
Lincoln, bowled by Simpson ......... 2
Dennison, not out ............................. 2
Byes and wide balls ............... 8
Total ....................................... 72
First Innings. Second Innings.
Carter, ct by Robson ........... 1 caught by Brownless ...... 2
Ward, ct by Gibson .............. 0 bowled by Brownless ....... 5
Haw, b. by Peacock ............. 2 bowled by Peacock .......... 4
Coleman, b. by Brownless 2 leg before wicket ............... 0
Arrowsmith b. by Brownless 1 bowled by Brownless ....... 0
Dixon, ct, by Gibson ............. 1 bowled bt Brownless ........ 3
Clapham b. by Brownless .... 1 run out .................................. 1
Fryer, b by Peacock .............. 0 run out .................................. 1
Simpson, b. by Peacock ...... 1 bowled by Brownless ........ 4
Terry, not out .......................... 0 not out .................................... 1
Kuton, b. by Brownless ........ 1 bowled by Brownless ......... 0
Byes ................. 5 Byes ........................ 5
Total ................. 13 Total ...................... 26